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Afforestation areas in Woreda Amhara Sayint
- Atat Communal Land
- Ene Ayalneh Communal
- Ene Derib Communal
- Ene Esayas Communal
- Ene Jenberu Communal
- Ene Kibrekulu
- Ene Melaku Communal
- Ene Mengestie Commun
- Ene Moltot Communal
- Ene Shumye Communal
- Ene Tilahun Communal
- Genamemicha Communal
- Keshasha
- Maedur Communal Land
- Mische
- Woyramdir
- Agenano
- Chelemadur
- Deldalie
- Diwudiwa
- Ene Abate Yimam
- Genamemcha
- Gualie
- Loza Communal Land
- Menter
- Mukeche
- Saygebche
- Wogugora
- Yequas Communal Land
- Yequas Youth
- Gebrewonz
- Gerambado
- Kitkitaw
- Tekesa
Description for the Woreda
No description yet for Amhara_Sayint_area with the ui: na
Statistics for Woreda Amhara Sayint
- Total size:320.842
- Number of plots:271
- Number of members:1456
Financial situation/ Payment details
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1. Amount | 2. Amount | 3. Amount |
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