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Afforestation areas in Woreda Legambo 2024
- Abakolba
- Begido
- Aba Yiman Ager
- Letiso
- Ahya Menkebaleya
- Ayt Wuha
- Chiroguba
- Gesesie
- Labuche
- Leba Mareja
- Nechu Dinga
- Tinsh Guba
- Tuluba Geda
- Gadity
- Goshu Ager
- Abadingo
- Tlk Guba
- Amael
- Abele Guba
- Adisu Amba
- Ewket Fana
- Jema1
- Jema2
- Lay Mama
- Jemaw
- Kesu Gora
- Kine
- Atatu
- Karakadi
- Kolo Daget
- Koshitu
- Wolelet Tefases
- Yigsa
- Kasa Gedel
- Kltm Mesberia
- Tkur Gedel
- Bukdu
- Jafer
- Sherafit
- Gola1
- Gola2
- Werekyu
- Golji Ager
- Fthanegest2
- Fthanegest1
- Zetena Selbu2
- Zetena Selbu1
- Robit
- Endod
- Astaw Gora
- Senboge
- Abusu Ager
Description for the Woreda
No description yet for Legambo_area_2024 with the ui: na
Statistics for Woreda Legambo 2024
- Total size:347.046
- Number of plots:294
- Number of members:2916
Financial situation/ Payment details
Search payment data
1. Amount | 2. Amount | 3. Amount |
0 | 0 | 0 |
No data available for visualisation.
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