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Afforestation areas in Woreda Tenta
- Abaliager
- Adalager
- Anguar
- Ankerkit
- Golbo
- Gorager
- Gubagala
- Keretoch
- Kilkl
- Ktawry
- Manasbot
- Mertofeg
- Meskamba
- Meskele
- Sayntoch
- Selamgy
- Wollofogoro
- Yeguta
- Yelawachi
- Getoch Wha
- Gorameder
- Lali Engocha
- Tkurenchet
- Werekey
Description for the Woreda
No description yet for Tenta_area with the ui: na
Statistics for Woreda Tenta
- Total size:232.981
- Number of plots:197
- Number of members:1104
Financial situation/ Payment details
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1. Amount | 2. Amount | 3. Amount |
0 | 0 | 0 |
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